Common Ground

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Gernot Wolfgang
Albany Records TROY854 (2006)


01. Metamorphosis (for violin, viola, violoncello & piano)
02. – 04. Common Ground (for bassoon & violoncello)
05. Jazz & Cocktails (for violin, violoncello & piano)
06. Dual Identity (for solo bassoon)
07. – 09. Thin Air (for violin, viola & violoncello)
10. Night Shift (for solo piano)



All music composed by Gernot Wolfgang (BMI/AKM).
Recorded and mastered by Rich Breen.
Produced by Gernot Wolfgang and Judith Farmer.
All music published by Doblinger Music Publishers except "Night Shift" published by Fatrock Ink.

” … Wolfgang creates polytonal, polyphonic music of the highest degree of unpredictability … Throughout one has the sense that the music is dancing. It has a logic and beauty all its own with closer listening and I found myself utterly beguiled … This one gets an enthusiastic recommendation [5/5].” (complete review)

J. Scott Morrison,

” … it’s just like hearing ‘Le Sacre du Printemps’ for the first time once again. And we can claim without hesitation, that after listening to “Common Ground” you will be able to answer the question whether you’ve ever experienced shivers down your spine when listening to experimental music with a full-bodied ‘Yes!’.” (complete review)

Tobias Fischer,

” … there is real integration of the two styles [classical and jazz] … these “grooves” lend to Wolfgang’s music an appealingly invigorating quality, as well as an engaging sense of swing … each [of the pieces] is clever, engaging, and subtle in its appeal; it is all good fun without being simplistic in the least. And each of the performances is impeccably competent and committed.”

Walter Simmons, Fanfare Magazine

” … unconventional beauty.”

Dave Brubeck, Jazz Great

” … Gernot Wolfgang findet, dem Geist Schostakowitschs und Strawinskys folgend, durch Gespuer fuer sinnlich-plastische Gestalthaftigkeit und klare formale Plots zu eigener Handschrift.”

Andreas Felber, Jazzzeit

“All six of these works have the benefit of highly professional performances demonstrating the composer’s variety of styles to their fullest advantage while the music is shown to be charged with interest, invention, individuality and variety.”

Howard Smith, Music & Vision

” … this is a CD which already has rewarded several hearings. I shall certainly return to it before long.”

Glyn Pursglove,